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What is Witchcraft?

Assorted Pagan Beliefs, Practices, Tools, Symbols

Why is Witchcraft Dangerous

Are Witches Evil?

Hour of the Witch Website - offers penetrating insights into the growing fascination with witches as it explores the controversial worlds of Wicca Witchcraft, Harry Potter, and the Bible.

What the Goddess Cannot Do

Music & Witchcraft

Aren't You Good Enough To Go To Heaven?

Witchcraft among Children and Teens in America

Do You Know Jesus?

What is WICCA?

Wicca is the practice of witchcraft, nature worship, worship of the Gods and Goddess, paganism and neopaganism, various groups with assorted names. In modern form, it is a revival of pagan religions (neo-paganism) and the worship of “pre-Christian” Gods and Goddesses. A common creed is, “Do what you will, and harm none.” In popular culture, films and television programs such as The Craft, Practical Magic, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and Charmed have helped attract teens and children to this growing religion.

Neo-Paganism is the modern revival of paganism, emphasizing witchcraft or Wicca, goddess worship, and nature worship.

Jack Roper declares: Witchcraft is the occult art of attempting to willfully shape one's environment through the mediumistic summoning of forbidden supernatural power that in theory are sometimes called Jungian archetypes or the Life Force. These supernatural powers are the dynamic power behind white to black magick. The powers behind Witchcraft or Wicca is not an extension of psychic potential but is a subtle manipulated personal power that resides within the normally intangible and invisible demonic sphere of reality. This power is tapped into through certain ritualistic magick techniques.

The witch or wiccan seeks to harness magickal powers behind various belief system such as animism, nature religions, magickal fantasy religions, feminist spirituality, mythologies, mysticism, pantheism, fertility rituals, ceremonial magick and polytheism. The Lady (e.g. goddess Diana) and the Lord (e.g.Horn god Pan) are prominent celestial figures of honor and worship. Contemporary Witchcraft is not Satanism but another spiritual facet of Neo-Paganism. "Diversity with unity" is a common theme within the witchcraft movement. Creativity, intuitive revelations, autonomy, eclecticism, symbolism, reincarnation and tolerance are salient features. The gender is often more female dominated than male.

Mind altering herbs (stimulants-depressants-narcotics-hallucinogenics) are sometimes used to create altered states of consciousness. Herbs can be used medicinally or for magickal manipulations. Dream states and trance techniques are also used for divinatory and intuitive communications with "spirit beings". Healing and soft porn (aka: sky cladding) are used as seductive devices to draw in new devotees to secure entrenchment. Homosexuality and lesbianism are often accepted as normal forms of individualistic morality which raise the risk of sexually transmitted diseases among the coven. Satan is considered to be a Christian invention. Truth is only relative. Moral absolutes are frequently dismissed as old-fashioned. Jack Roper's Website

Marcia Montenegro declares: Witches are not Satanists. Witches and Satanists are two different groups. Although there can be a crossover for individuals from witchcraft into Satanism, and some Satanists might call themselves witches, these two groups are usually completely separate. The line between the two groups becomes more blurred among those under age 20 who may dabble in and mix several belief systems. However, one should never assume witches to be Satanists! This is quite offensive to witches since they do not believe in Satan. They link Satan with Christianity, which they believe their religion predates, and believe Satan to be an imaginary creation of the Christian church.

Most witches do not accept absolute good or evil. Rather, they often have a New Age worldview which allows for a belief in negative and positive forces that must be balanced, or a belief that the negative can be transmuted into the positive (a basic belief of medieval alchemy). Witches resent Satanists for giving them a bad name. Satanists look down on witches as people who do not have the courage to be true non-conformists, rejecting all moral standards of society, which is the Satanic ideal. Read more on Wicca & Witchcraft here.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Witchcraft: Exploring the World of Wicca
Click Here To Purchase This Book

Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repackaged, Video
Click Here To Purchase DVD

Satan Is Alive and Well on Planet Earth
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Exposing Spiritual Witchcraft
By: Jonas Clark
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